Panel: Ethics in Algorithms and Machine Learning: How Intelligent is Artificial Intelligent, Opening of the TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, Munich, Germany, October 7th, 2019
Great opening of the of the TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence with IEAI Director, Prof. Christoph Lütge, TUM President Elect Prof. Thomas Hofmann, German State Minister for Digitization, Dorothee Bär and Digital Ethics Lab Director at the Oxford…
Talk: Responsible Industrial Artificial Intelligence, AI Summit Vietnam, 16th August 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam
#AISummitVietnam2019 in #Hanoi – Empowering the AI Ecosystem co-organized by the #MinistryOfScienceAndTechnology, the #MinistryOfPlanningAndInvestment, #VnExpress and the #HanoiUniversity of Science and Technology. Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam indicating the importance of AI for Vietnam. Very honored being invited to…
Panel: Nexus Hackathon Water-Food-Energy Nexus – sustainable urban development, 28th July 2019, Munich, Germany
#AI/ML technologies are driving the impact in the consumer-oriented ad- and social media business following the principle to #TurnPeopleIntoProducts (if you are not paying for a product, you are the product). As #friction and #inconvenience are still the next best…
Panel: Siemens AI Lab Summit, 24th of June 2019, Munich
The 2nd #AILabSummit with the usual flaws: Too much content for too limited time. Thus, speakers focusing on the essentials or just pitching double-speed… – „From AI Lab to impact“ with strong cases from Markus Zechel, Gia Thi Nguyen, Jan…
Co-Org: German-French Summer School on Transfer Learning, 6th of June 2019, Passau, Germany
#TransferLearning is instrumental for the acceleration of #IndustrialAI with #Impact. Proud to co-organize and support the 3rd German-French #SummerSchool on Transfer Learning, which happend this week – an awesome initative that intends to build a strong #network of young and…
NAACL-HLT 2019: News Article Teaser Tweets and How to Generate Them, Minneapolis, USA, June 2nd, 2019
Abstract: We define the task of teaser generation and provide an evaluation benchmark and baseline systems for it. A teaser is a short reading suggestion for an article that is illustrative and includes curiosity-arousing elements to entice potential readers to…
Talk: Impact with AI, Grid Masters Club Summit, Rome, 24th May 2019
Honoured and super excited to speak about the passion to generate #impact with #AI at the #GridMastersClub2019 . The #energytransition creates impactful opportunities for a #sustainable future and #AI has it`s role to augment it`s acceleration – though requires mindfulness…
Panel: AI@Industry Hackathon, Munich, 27th April 2019
New technologies need new ways of innovating! The #SiemensAILab Munich has partnered up with the Siemens #MindSphere Application Centers around the globe to tackle their most interesting #IndustrialAI challenges in a 3-day #Hackathon. After 72 hours of intensive #thinking and…
Talk/Panel: Trust and Responsibility in Industrial Artificial Intelligence, HSG Alumni Deutschland Konferenz, Frankfurt, 4-6th April 2019
#TrustReloaded – the main theme of the HSG A. Alumni Deutschland Konferenz 2019 in Frankfurt. #Algorithms play a big role in business decisions. That’s why it needs „best practices“ for managers how to mitigate the risks and profit from the…