Talk: How to combine Enterprise AI and IndustrialAI for the Electric Utilties, IoT Solutions World Congress Digital Summit 11th of May 2021, Siemens Advanta Consulting
The IOT Solutions World Congress Digital Summit happens this week, May 11-12. Join us and learn about the impact on #AI in the #IoT world from and with great partners – 🏭 looking forward to share a partner #AIoT use case: How to combine #EnterpriseAI and #IndustrialAI – Siemens Advanta Consulting Do not…
Talk: AI-powered Business in Industrial AI & AIoT, IESE Business School, 25th March 2021
AI, IoT and going from proof of concept to implementation. During the session we went from how data is all around and in some cases nudging us towards decisions, humans and AI’s ability to deal with uncertainty, Machine learnings journey…
Talk: AI-driven Business Models, EBS University, 22nd March 2021
How does #artificialintelligence drive #businessmodels? In the first #ticctalk episode of the Institute for #Technology, #Innovation, and #CustomerCentricity (#TICC) at EBS University, I have the incredible honor to share some insights on the business models of AI. Implementing and adopting successful AI applications in organizations means not only opportunities…
Jury: AI Hackathon for Mobility, Telekom, Berlin, 21st of March 2021
AI hackathon for mobility: Creative power in mixed teams Find solutions for modern mobility? Nine development teams from 15 countries and diverse backgrounds took on this exciting challenge at the virtual 24-hour hackathon #AIHack4Mobility on the topic of AI. Claudia Nemat, Board Member…
Hackathon: Open AI GPT3 Hackathon, Munich, 7th March 2021
😊 #Happiness = #Reality – #Expectation 🤓That was a super fun learning weekend with great team mates & geeks during the OpenAI#GPT3#Hackathon.To be honest, OpenAI’s new language model is fascinating good and has at the same time super flaws 😬 – here are some learning:👉 GPT-3’s full version…