AI & Machine Learning Research with Meaningful Impact
I am curious about the foundations of computational intelligence, specifically methodologies that bridge the areas of connectionist and symbolic learning applied to real-world AI, Machine Learning and NLP applications. I am passioned about enabling an open and interdisciplinary research and…
USI Answers: Natural Language Question Answering Over (Semi-) Structured Industry Data
Abstract: The paper reports on the progress towards the goal of offering easy access to enterprise data to a large number of business users, most of whom are not familiar with the specific syntax or semantics of the underlying data…
GermanPolarityClues – A Lexical Resource for German Sentiment Analysis
Feel free to use/download the GermanPolarityClues dictionary, a new publicly available lexical resource for sentiment analysis for the German language. The resource offers a number of 10.141 polarity features, associated to three numerical polarity scores, determining the positive, negative and…
WikiQA – Question Answering
WikiQA is a German open domain question answering system that uses the Wikipedia as a knowledge base to answer natural language questions. It has been developed by the KnowCIT project (Artificial Intelligence Group) within the CITEC at Bielefeld University. Using…
Deciphering the Communicative Code in Speech and Gesture Dialogues by Autoencoding Hypernetworks
Title: Deciphering the Communicative Code in Speech and Gesture Dialogues by Autoencoding Hypernetworks Authors: N. – S. Nam, K. Bergmann, U. Waltinger, S. Kopp, I. Wachsmuth, B. – T. Zhang Pub/Conf: Embodied & Situated Language Processing – ESLP 2011 Abstract: What…
Harvesting Wikipedia Knowledge to Identify Topics in Ongoing Natural Language Dialogs
Title: Harvesting Wikipedia Knowledge to Identify Topics in Ongoing Natural Language DialogsAuthors: Breuing A, Waltinger U, Wachsmuth IPub/Conf: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2011). IEEE: 445–450. 2011 Abstract:This paper introduces a model harvesting the…
Talking Topically to the Artificial Agent Max
Title: Talking Topically to the Artificial Agent Max Authors: Breuing A, Waltinger U, Wachsmuth I Pub/Conf: Postersession at the Interdisciplinary College. Sankt Augustin, Germany: 488. 2011 Abstract: How do we recognize a topic in dialog? How can we detect topic shifts?…