Podcast: HUMAN & AI – Mind, machines and the gradient descent, Siemens AI Lab Podcast
Whoop whoop … new #AI#podcast 🎧: #Human & #AI: #Mind, #Machines, & the #Gradient#Descent“ launched … The Siemens AI Lab presents a podcast filled with the voices of those who are raising awareness for the potential of AI across Siemens. Get to know the people behind the expertise;…
Talk: Industrial AI, Manufacturing Association, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2nd December 2019
Very much honored to represent Siemens with a keynote on #IndustrialAI following #ReuvenRivlin, the 10th and current #President of #Israel at the #ManufacturersAssociation in #TelAviv. 100+ #CEOs and #Leaders of the representative body of all industrial sectors in #Israel discussed…
Panel: Responsible AI, Google Next19, London, 21th November 2019
Very much humbled and honored to share the panel on #ResponsibleAI at the Google #NextUK2019 Summit in #London with such awesome partners Ewa Dürr (Google), Sims Witherspoon (DeepMind), and Dr. Andreas Liebl (appliedAI Initiative – UnternehmerTUM). Increasingly #AI facilitates our…
Talk: AI for Smart Grids and Energy Applications, 1st Greek-German Innovation Forum, Athen, Greece, November 18th, 2019
#Respect the past, re-establish#trust, and collaboratively push#innovation #together for the #future! Very honored to exchange with partners and #leaders of the industrial #ecosystem Siemens Daimler AG Careers Bosch BE at the 1st #InnovationForum 2019 in#Athen – jointly organized by the…
Co-Chair: Human Centered AI: Trustworthiness of AI Models and Data, AAAI 2019 Fall Symposium Series in Arlington, VA, USA, November 7–9, 2019
Join and discuss with us #HumanCenteredAI at the #AAAI 2019 #FallSymposiumSeries in Arlington, VA, #USA, November 7–9, 2019 – agenda is set and registration is now open: https://bit.ly/2nveduf #HumanCentered #AI: #Trustworthiness of AI #Models and #Data To facilitate the widespread…
Talk: Web Summit – How companies and entrepreneurs can work for a sustainable future, Lisbon, Portugal, 6th November
What a great opening of the WebSummit 2019 and it`s #startup and #entrepreneurial ecosystem – #AI, #Geeks, and passion for #Innovation everywhere. Kudos to Christian Mio Loclair and #WaltzBinare for the interactive demonstrator at our Siemens booth #immerseyourself – combining…
Panel: Ethics in Algorithms and Machine Learning: How Intelligent is Artificial Intelligent, Opening of the TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, Munich, Germany, October 7th, 2019
Great opening of the of the TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence with IEAI Director, Prof. Christoph Lütge, TUM President Elect Prof. Thomas Hofmann, German State Minister for Digitization, Dorothee Bär and Digital Ethics Lab Director at the Oxford…
Talk: Responsible AI – How to Accelerate Industrial AI towards Sustainability, Managers’ Association of Slovenia Congress, Portoroz, Slovenia, September 27th, 2019
Loved the open discussion at the Managers’ Association of Slovenia Congress in Portoroz on the impact and the importance of industrial AI on the way to responsible use of new technologies and the opportunity towards sustainability. Every business decider needs…
Podcast: Speed Change Repeat – Potential of Industrial AI, the Big Ship of Digitalization, and the Corporate Innovation Dilemma
#AINarratives are important: Really enjoyed the discussion and exchange on the impact on #IndustrialAI , #MachineLearning , awesome #Talents, and the challenges towards a new #InnovationCulture with Jonathan Pfaffenrot und #BenjaminLehmann and their awesome podcast project #SpeedChangeRepeat – thanks for…
Panel: Siemens AI Lab Summit, 24th of June 2019, Munich
The 2nd #AILabSummit with the usual flaws: Too much content for too limited time. Thus, speakers focusing on the essentials or just pitching double-speed… – „From AI Lab to impact“ with strong cases from Markus Zechel, Gia Thi Nguyen, Jan…