Smart Data Access: Semantic Web Technologies for Energy Diagnostics
Abstract: In today‘s (big) data-intensive world, scalable technologies enabling the efficient management, storage and analysis of large data set are needed. However, the underlying logic of the emerging data-driven business is very different to the established understanding of the traditional…
LinkedHealthAnswers: Towards Linked Data-driven Question Answering for the Health Care Domain
Abstract: This paper presents Linked Health Answers, a natural language question answering systems that utilizes health data drawn from the Linked Data Cloud. The contributions of this paper are three-fold: Firstly, we review existing state-of-the-art NLP platforms and components, with a special…
Natural Language Access to Enterprise Data
Abstract:This paper describes USI Answers — a natural language question answering system for enterprise data. We report on the progress towards the goal of offering easy access to enterprise data to a large number of business users, most of whom…
Connecting Question Answering and Conversational Agents: Contextualizing German Questions for Interactive Question Answering Systems
Abstract: Research results in the field of Question Answering (QA) have shown that the classification of natural language questions significantly contributes to the accuracy of the generated answers. In this paper we present an approach which extends the prevalent question…
Internet-based Communication
Title: Internet-based Communication Authors: Ulli Waltinger and Alexa Breuing Pub/Conf: Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Mehler A, Romary L, Gibbon D (Eds);Technical Communication Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2012 Abstract: Today, internet-based communication encompasses a broad range of media services and technologies….
Digital Fruits For Lunch: Feeding Embodied Conversational Agents With Wikipedia Knowledge
Title: Digital Fruits For Lunch: Feeding Embodied Conversational Agents With Wikipedia Knowledge Authors: Ulli Waltinger, Alexa Breuing, Ipke Wachsmuth Pub/Conf: Interdisciplinary College Abstract: Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing have enhanced the vision of using embodied conversational…