GermanPolarityClues – A Lexical Resource for German Sentiment Analysis
Feel free to use/download the GermanPolarityClues dictionary, a new publicly available lexical resource for sentiment analysis for the German language. The resource offers a number of 10.141 polarity features, associated to three numerical polarity scores, determining the positive, negative and…
MLSA – A Multi-layered Reference Corpus for German Sentiment Analysis
Title: MLSA – A Multi-layered Reference Corpus for German Sentiment Analysis Authors: Simon Clematide , Stefan Gindl , Manfred Klenner , Stefanos Petrakis , Robert Remus , Josef Ruppenhofer , Ulli Waltinger , Michael Wiegand Pub/Conf: Proceedings of the Eighth…
An Empirical Study on Machine Learning-Based Sentiment Classification Using Polarity Clues
Title: An Empirical Study on Machine Learning-Based Sentiment Classification Using Polarity Clues Authors: Ulli Waltinger Pub/Conf: Web Information Systems and Technologies Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Volume 75, 2011, pp 202-214 Abstract: In recent years a variety of approaches…
GermanPolarityClues: A Lexical Resource for German Sentiment Analysis
Title: GermanPolarityClues: A Lexical Resource for German Sentiment Analysis Authors: Ulli Waltinger Pub/Conf: International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010, 17-23 May 2010 Abstract: In this paper, we propose GermanPolarityClues, a new publicly available lexical resource for sentiment analysis…
Sentiment Analysis Reloaded: A Comparative Study On Sentiment Polarity Identification Combining Machine Learning And Subjectivity Features
Title: Sentiment Analysis Reloaded: A Comparative Study On Sentiment Polarity Identification Combining Machine Learning And Subjectivity Features Authors: Ulli Waltinger Pub/Conf: Web Information Systems and Technologies – 6th International Conference, WEBIST 2010, Valencia, Spain, April 7-10, 2010 Abstract: In recent years…
Polarity Reinforcement: Sentiment Polarity Identification By Means Of Social Semantics
Title: Polarity Reinforcement: Sentiment Polarity Identification By Means Of Social SemanticsAuthors: Ulli WaltingerPub/Conf: IEEE Africon 2009 Abstract:We propose a combination of machine learning and socially constructed concepts for the task of sentiment polarity identification. Detecting words with polarity is difficult…