NAACL-HLT 2019: News Article Teaser Tweets and How to Generate Them, Minneapolis, USA, June 2nd, 2019
Abstract: We define the task of teaser generation and provide an evaluation benchmark and baseline systems for it. A teaser is a short reading suggestion for an article that is illustrative and includes curiosity-arousing elements to entice potential readers to…
Talk: ‚Impact with AI: How AI will augment human capabilities and the role of ResponsibleAI‘ at the ECR19 – European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, 1st of March 2019
#Artificialintelligence everywhere at the #ECR – European Congress of Radiology 2019 in Vienna.#AI and #DeepLearning technology drives the quality of care and the colleagues from Siemens Healthineers clearly push, lead, and bring #Innovation and #technology to work with impact and…
Podcast: Hacking the Future and Accelerating the Implementation of Innovative Ideas, Innovation Roundtable, 19th February 2019
Hacking the Future and Accelerating the Implementation of Innovative Ideas – some reflections via #podcast of the Innovation Roundtable® – actually recorded 2017 and released just now – I guess one would need an accelerated hackathon for releasing podcasts 🙂…
Talk: Siemens Summit Oslo Norway – 12th February 2019
#NorwayAI – topic – people, purpose, prosperity- such a fantastic region and more importantly open and positive, laughing people. For the first time trying to augment myself with #AI due to my missing language skills – thanks #Lense and Real-time…
MeetUp: Responsible Use of AI – 04. February 2019
AI and ML technologies are used within #industrial environments to enable smarter decisions and to improve performance and precision. Algorithms increasingly govern our social world, transforming data into scores or rankings that decide who gets credit, jobs, dates, policing, and…
Talk: Siemens Frontrunner 4.0 Croatia – 31. January 2019
Great to see the passion, innovation, and energy for #digitalization, #robotics, and #artificialintelligence in #Croatia at the Siemens #Frontrunner 4.0 event. Honored to got a glimse on the latest status of the Center of Excellence in robotics and the RONNA…
Talk & Panel: Responsible AI: Trust, Fairness, and Transparency in Machine Learning at the appliedAI Ecosystem Meetup in Munich, 14. January 2019
Around 150 attendees participated in the appliedAI Ecosystem Meetup on Artificial Intelligence in Munich and Partners. Challenging talk on #ResponsibleAI: Trust, Fairness, and Transparency in Machine Learning – and interesting panel with Leon Szeli and Fabian Mader. AI and ML…
Panel: International VDI Conference – Future of AI in Automotive – 11.-12. December 2018
Loved the open discussion on the ‚Future of AI In #Automotive‚ and current state of #AutonomousDriving at the ‚International VDI Conference‘ in #Berlin. Great quote from Dr. Siegmar Haasis : We need a cultural change from “Need to Know” to…
Panel: First Science Slam in Munich on Artificial Intelligence driven by Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern – 21. November 2018
Love the passion and edutainment – first @ScienceSlamDE in Munich on hashtag#ArtificialIntelligence driven by Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern and initial six awesome talks – congrats to the winning AI geeks #WissenschaftRockt #teamawesome View ZD.B ScienceSlam
Talk: Web Summit – Unlock the potential with AI in Lisbon – 07. November 2018
Amazing passionate #teamsiemens putting the #WebSummit booth and the series of #unlockthepotential talks together. A vibrant positive and entrepreneurial energy in an amazing city of Lisbon – true digitalization ninjas #AI and #CyberSecurity geeks join us and this fantastic team…