USI Answers: Natural Language Question Answering Over (Semi-) Structured Industry Data
Abstract: The paper reports on the progress towards the goal of offering easy access to enterprise data to a large number of business users, most of whom are not familiar with the specific syntax or semantics of the underlying data…
Integrating Content and Structure Learning: A Model of Hypertext Zoning and Sounding
Title: Integrating Content and Structure Learning: A Model of Hypertext Zoning and Sounding Authors: Alexander Mehler and Ulli Waltinger Pub/Conf: Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text Technological Data Structures. Mehler A, Henning Lobin and Harald Lüngen and K-UK, Storrer A, Witt…
Internet-based Communication
Title: Internet-based Communication Authors: Ulli Waltinger and Alexa Breuing Pub/Conf: Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Mehler A, Romary L, Gibbon D (Eds);Technical Communication Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2012 Abstract: Today, internet-based communication encompasses a broad range of media services and technologies….
Deciphering the Communicative Code in Speech and Gesture Dialogues by Autoencoding Hypernetworks
Title: Deciphering the Communicative Code in Speech and Gesture Dialogues by Autoencoding Hypernetworks Authors: N. – S. Nam, K. Bergmann, U. Waltinger, S. Kopp, I. Wachsmuth, B. – T. Zhang Pub/Conf: Embodied & Situated Language Processing – ESLP 2011 Abstract: What…